Kanyon mobile app
From Wireframes

Glamcore wires - Sign in, join app.

Glamcore wires - Home, referrals, invite contacts, share, weather, chat.

Glamcore wires - Product hub, single product view, single product view scrolling, product card slide, video hub, video close captions, video share, video search, video full screen.

Glamcore wires - Tips, tips selection, menu/settings, edit profile, edit profile scrolling, orders, payments.

Glamcore wires - Add shipping address, scan card, card info, shipping card info, shipping country, shipping addresses, redeem gift card, connected accounts, preferences.

Glamcore wires - Find friends, earn rewards, rewards explanation, share a link, share with sms, best deals, reminder, promotion.

Glamcore wires - Quiz
To High Fidelity Designs

Glamcore UI - Join/Sign in, product page, product page scrolling, weather page, weather page settings, referrals, referrals contacts, chat, chat open, chatting.

Glamcore UI - Product hub, product selection, product selection scrolling, product card slide, video hub, video captions, video search, tips, tip selection.

Glamcore UI - Best deals, reminders, promotion, rewards, rewards explanation, quiz.

Glamcore UI - Edit profile.